Frequently Asked Questions


What is this site all about?

Dance Moves Therapy Sessions is a fun an easy way to get your dose of new dance moves. Learn in the comfort of your own home, anytime and as many times as you like.

Once you login, you will have access to;

    The DMT Sessions

    These are 100% directed classes. Members can simply login, press play and follow my lead. Classes are prerecorded and available to view at any time of the week, as many times of the week, for 7 days. One new 40 minute classs will be posted each week. Train when you want and utilise the free community support via a facebook group page. Classes contain a warm-up, routine and cool-down. The majority of class time is spent learning a new routine.

    Ability Levels

    Dance Moves Therapy Sessions is suitable for all levels of fitness and dance abilities. Beginners are very welcome! Michelle will often suggest a beginner or more advanced version for particularly tricky moves.

    Equipment Needed

    Absolutely nothing. Your phone / laptop to play the class.

    How often do I need to practice to get results?

    Totally up to you! You could just do this class once per week or you may wish to practice more than once per week. There are no “overtraining” risks as we are mainly focusing on dance skills.


    Just $1 per day! This is billed monthly to save on admin dramas – so you will be billed $28 per month.

    Your membership is valid until the end of the month for which you have paid for. Please note that refunds will not be issued for any reason unless otherwise stated.



    Please note: Dance Moves Therapy Sessions has no association with the Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia. The Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia (DTAA) is the recognised professional body for dance movement therapy in Australasia. It sets the standards for Professional and Provisional Professional levels of membership, training and supervision. Dance movement therapists work in clinical, institutional, community and private settings, using clear therapeutic contracts, agreements and goals, often within a defined time frame.  Verbally and non-verbally, they attune to client/s’ needs and provide the therapeutic relationship requisite for growth and change.Please find a qualified DTAA Therapist if you are seeking this level of psychological therapy via dance/movement as a healing modality.